Prof. Dr. J. Carlos Jarillo
PhD, DBA, MBA, Partner
Prof. Dr. J. Carlos Jarillo, PhD, DBA, MBA, Partner
Born in Valencia, Spain, Professor Jarillo holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from Harvard University and a Doctorate in Economics from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. He has held the Chair of Corporate and International Strategy at the University of Geneva, after having been on the faculty of IMD in Switzerland, the IESE, and the Instituto de Empresa in Spain, and having served as a Senior Research Associate at the Harvard Business School.
Prof. Jarillo has published several books in the areas of strategy formulation, cooperative strategies, and international strategy, such as Internationalising the Medium-Sized Firm (1994, with Per V. Jenster), Strategic Networks (1993, 2nd edition 1995), Dirección Estratégica (1992, 2nd edition), and Estrategia Internacional (1990, with Jon I. Martínez ). His most recent book, Strategic Logic , which summarizes his research and consulting experience over the last ten years, has now been published in English (Palgrave Macmillan), German (Gabler Verlag), Spanish (Deusto Planeta), and French (Dunod). He has also published widely in leading journals like The Strategic Management Journal, European Management Journal, Long Range Planning, and Journal of International Business. In addition, he has written many general-interest articles for several leading European magazines and dailies’ economy and business sections.
He has been heavily involved in consulting activities with various types of companies, from small local firms to large multinational corporations, throughout the world. This work has focused on top management seminars on competitive strategy and international management. In many cases, the work has led to actual help with the design and implementation of strategy.
Throughout his professional career he has focused, from a theoretical and practical point of view, on the sources of companies’ long-term profitability.
Prof. Jarillo is the founder and one of the Managing Partners of Strategic Investment Advisors Group AG, based in Lachen, Switzerland.

Alex Rauchenstein
Alex Rauchenstein, MBA, CEFA, Chief Executive Officer
Born in Aarau, Switzerland, Alex Rauchenstein holds an Executive MBA for international Wealth Management from GSIA Carnegie Mellon University and a MBA from the University of Geneva. In addition he is Chartered European Financial Analyst.
Until December 2005, he was Head of the Investment Process at Centrum Bank, a specialized Privat Bank in Vaduz (Liechtenstein). In this position he was responsible for the coordination of the strategic asset allocation, sector-, fund- and stock selection process. Before joining Centrum Bank in 1999 he spent three years setting up and then managing the Eastern European Equity Fund for UBS Asset Management. Alex acquired a very solid finance education at UBS Zurich, where he started his career in 1989 with a trainee Program.
He formally joined Strategic Investment Advisors Group, as General Manager of SIA Funds AG in January 2006.

Marcos Hernandez Aguado
Chief Investment Officer
Marcos Hernandez Aguado, Chief Investment Officer
Born in Madrid, Spain, Marcos Hernández holds an Economics and Business Administration Degree from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE E-2).
Until February 2008, he was a Director of SIG (Strategic Investment Group) an internal asset management division of Merrill Lynch Europe, based in London. In this position, he has been running a long short portfolio of equities specialized in industrials, being also a member of the SIG Investment Committee, responsible for coordinating the Long Term Investment Portfolio.
Marcos has 13 years experience in Sell-Side Research having covered many different industries, such as construction, property, media, utilities, leisure and food. Before joining SIG, he was a senior analyst in Merrill Lynch Europe, within the Construction and Building Materials team, consistently ranked top 3 in the Institutional Investors annual survey.
Marcos was also the top rated analyst in Spanish construction sector in 2001 and 2002 (according to the Greenwich Survey) and the n.1 ranked All-Europe Small Cap rated analyst according to Reuters Survey in 2002.
He joined SIA in March 2008 as a senior analyst and was promoted to head of research, where he is running a team of 5 analysts, being also joint-responsible for portfolio management. He is member of the Investment Committee since 2009.

Urs Marti
BBA, Director
Urs Marti, BBA, Director
Born in Zurich, he started his career at UBS in 1987 with a traditional apprenticeship and a trainee program in finance. Urs received a BBA from KSZH in 1999. Until 2003, he worked in the trading and sales departments of UBS and CSFB, and was a member of the Swiss Capital Group’s start-up team.
In 2003, Urs joined Zulauf Asset Management to start a resource-related fund, which he continued to manage as a partner in a small asset management company after 2008. During this time, he was also responsible for a Uranium fund. In 2012, he founded a company to invest directly into resources and agriculture.
He joined Strategic Investment Advisors Group in April 2016.
Karin Ruettimann, Office Manager
Karin Ruettimann joined SIA Funds AG as Assistant to the CEO in January 2008.
Karin has very solid experience, having worked as Assistant to the CEO of Von Roll for many years. Prior to that, she held various jobs as senior administrative assistant at Dow Chemical.
In December 2013, Karin was promoted to Office Manager of SIA Funds AG.